Friday, April 8, 2011

Hidemi's Rambling No.313

The contaminated water by radiation has been drained into the ocean from the exploded nuclear power plant. I consider that means I'd better not eat my favorite sushi. Even if seafood from waters there is safe, I don’t feel like eating it. Since the heat doesn’t dissipate radiation, I suspect safety of cooked seafood as well. I usually get prepared foods at a supermarket for my meals and they often contain grilled salmon or fried fish. The labels describe the ingredients but not the detailed areas of the sources. Should I get prepared foods that don’t include seafood generally? But what about cooked vegetables, then? Their sources aren’t available for prepared foods. That leads me to get produce and seafood which source is clearly labeled and cook it by myself. It would be a new burden for me who doesn’t cook so much. I might as well eat prepared foods that may have ingredients with radioactive materials in them as cook safe food. Either way, I’ve lost a worry-free, convenient life I had enjoyed until the earthquake…