Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Hidemi's Rambling No.207

Today is the Star Festival in Japan. It’s based on a forbidden love story between Altair and Vega, who are allowed to meet each other by crossing the Milky Way once a year on the seventh of July. We celebrate it by decorating a bamboo tree with paper ornaments. Among the ornaments are slips of colored paper on which we write our wishes. After the festival, they are taken into a river that is believed to be connected to the Milky Way for this particular occasion, where the written wishes come true. The last time I wrote my wish and floated the slip into a river was when I was nineteen. Since I had already started my career as a singer-songwriter, I wished to be successful someday. It seems that my wish slip hasn’t reached the Milky Way yet in spite of this many years’ traveling…