Saturday, March 20, 2010

Hidemi's Rambling No.137

Japan is at the peak of the pollen season now. Lots of people have a pollen allergy and are wearing a medical mask outside. Without a mask, they sneeze and have running nose constantly. The allergy is caused by pollen of a Japanese cedar. The government planted them heavily after lumbering because they were cheap. It blundered about the pollen. We are surrounded by a massive amount of Japanese cedars and suffering from the allergy consequently. Luckily, I don’t have the allergy. I used to feel pity for those with a mask because it seemed inconvenient and didn’t look so cool. A few years ago, I heard that people without the allergy could start having one anytime if they don’t take precaution. I dreaded to think about having the allergy, and have kept wearing a mask outside in this season as a precaution ever since. It’s already no difference to actually having the allergy…