Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Hidemi's Rambling No.154

I saw an episode of ‘LOST’ in which Mr. Eko on his deathbed told Locke that he was next. I was stunned because I knew the similar thing happened in real life. It seems that people look back and judge themselves when they are nearing their ends. Not long before his death, my grandfather suddenly told my parents that he wanted to go to the department store where he once worked vigorously and had to leave to succeed the family. My parents thought his consciousness grew dim because they assumed that he meant shopping, which he was too frail to do. I know what he really meant. He realized that he should not have given up what he wanted to do for his life. On his deathbed, he pointed at my mother and said, ‘You’re next.’ I wonder if she would end up like him. Surely she looks a strong candidate for that matter…